We are looking forward to the start of the 2021-2022 hockey season (our 75th season!) and we’re excited to soon be seeing all of your smiling faces at the rink.

Over the past several weeks we have seen some very positive direction and planning from the Province regarding reopening and Return to Play for indoor sports.

On May 20th, 2021, the Ontario government revealed a three-step Provincial Reopening Plan. Stage 3 indicates that all indoor sports leagues are able to resume team play with various restrictions.

We are currently unable to give an exact definition of exactly what the 2021-2022 hockey season is going to look like.  We are working with the City of Mississauga and the Greater Toronto Hockey League who, in turn, are working with the Ontario Hockey Federation and the various local Health Authorities on a return to play Game Plan.  The Mississauga Hockey League is 100% committed to maintaining all of its hockey programs for the 2021-2022 season, barring any setbacks on the implementation of the Step 3 Reopening plan.

We are extremely optimistic about a full return to a traditional hockey game and practice format.  We are however being cautious in our program planning and development having experienced various changes with the Covid planning strategies and implementation changes over the past fourteen months. We are also working on the development of a hockey structure program that can easily be interchangeable, between traditional game play models depending on any possible Step 3 Covid restrictions or parameters implemented for the 2021-2022 hockey season.

This all said, player registration for the 2021-22 MHL season will open on August 1st.  As in the past, registration will take place via our six Area Associations (other than U21 programming, which will be handled by the MHL).  Further details can be found by clicking here or if you’re new to hockey, click here.

Game on!