The Board of Directors of the MIssissauga Hockey League (MHL) recently approved a $25,000 donation to the MHL Play-More Program, a CRA Registered Charitable Organization (# 82614 0592 RR0001) separate from the MHL that helps to fund registration fees for hockey families who are experiencing financial hardship. The President of the MHL, Brian Scarlett, puts it this way: “The Play-More Program has been instrumental in giving every child a chance to play hockey, even though financially they may not have the opportunity to do so.”
The MHL donation follows closely on the heels of a $10,000 donation from the Meadowvale Hockey Association. Niki Beneteau, the Director in charge of Meadowvale’s Ice Puppy (U7) Program fees as Brian does and works hard each year on the annual Ice Puppy Coach’s Challenge, their main source of funding for the Play-More Program.
For further details regarding Play-More, including a short video showing “what it’s all about”, or to donate to the cause, please click here.