In keeping with MHL Rules 30.02 & 30.03, all MHL games (with the exception of U8 & U9 half-ice games) are documented on an Official MHL Game Sheet. All MHL teams are given a supply of these Game Sheets prior to the start of the season. Here’s what you do with them…
- The Home team (that is, the team denoted as “Home” in the MHL Games Centre schedule) is responsible for providing the game sheet for each game, from their supply.
- The Home team adds their roster info: Player names (and jersey numbers) and all Bench Staff
- Note that only those volunteers who have been properly registered and certified per MHL Rule 30.10 should be on the bench
- Yes, you may use pre-printed stickers rather than hand-writing the roster. However, please make sure you affix a sticker to each of the 3 copies of the Game Sheet.
- The Home team should also fill in the blanks at the top of the Game Sheet… Division, Category, Date of Game, Arena, and Scheduled Start Time
- Once the Home team is finished with their side of the Game Sheet, it is to be forwarded (in a timely manner) to the Visiting team for them to complete their side, and then they will provide it to either the Timekeeper or the Referee.
- If a player/coach is absent, please mark them as “ABS” beside their name
- If a player/coach is serving a suspension, please ensure that their name is recorded in the section below your roster, along with the number of games being served. (e.g. 1 of 1, 1 of 2, etc.)
- As per MHL Rule 26.11, to receive credit for serving a suspension, the name of the suspended player or Team Official must be shown as suspended on the Game Sheet.
- If you’re using an Affiliate Player (i.e. a “call-up”), please ensure that…
- They are properly affiliated as per MHL Rule 4.0, and
- They are denoted with “AP” beside their name on the roster
- One Team Official from each team is to sign their side of the Game Sheet prior to the game. In so doing, they are attesting to the completeness and accuracy of their roster, including suspensions (if any) and the Coaching Staff.
- Following the game, the Timekeeper will have the Referee(s) complete their section of the Game Sheet and will then separate the copies… the top/white copy goes to the League Office, the yellow copy to the Home team, and the pink copy to the Visitors.
- Please ensure that you obtain your copy of the Game Sheet following each game.
- Also, note that the Penalty and Suspension Codes are shown on the bank of the Game Sheet
- If a penalty or suspension code appears on your Game Sheet that you don’t understand, or if you run out of Game Sheets, please don’t hesitate to ask either your Association or the League Office (905-607-1118) about it.
A sample of a Game Sheet, as completed by the Home team, can be found by clicking here.