Coach Guide

Coach Guide to the MHL

Coach Guide to the MHL The MHL has developed a Coach Guide to assist coaches in understanding the League, its Area Associations and the governing bodies of Minor Hockey, which include the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL), the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and Hockey Canada.  This guide is designed to give you general information. Click here to download this guide.


I am interested in becoming a Coach, what certifications do I need to Coach in the MHL?

All Team Officials are required to complete a Criminal Reference Check and are required to attend a “Speak Out” Harassment & Abuse clinic (or complete the Respect in Sport on-line equivalent). You must also become a registered Team Official with the Area Association that you are interested in becoming a part of.  Additional certification requirements are listed in the MHL Coach Guide and in the “Team Officials” section of the website.  Associations may have further requirements and in greater number than the MHL.

Criminal Reference Check forms and the Community Organization and Volunteer Authorization Letter can be obtained from the MHL Office, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.  Please note, the Criminal Reference Checks can take 6 – 9 weeks to complete.  If fingerprinting is required, the Criminal Reference Check can take up to another 6 weeks if using the unpaid option.

The “Speak Out” Harassment & Abuse clinics are offered in September, and October.

I am looking to be a Head Coach of a team in the MHL, what additional certification (other than Criminal Reference Check, “Speak Out”, and becoming a Registered Team Official) do I need?

If you are a Coach a House League team at the IP/Tyke level to the Atom level, a minimum of 1 Coach per team will be required to have their HCIP certification.  If you are looking to Coach at Minor Peewee or older at the House League level, 1 coach per team must have their NCCP CBET Coach level.  If you are coaching an ‘A’ team, at least 1 person per team must have their NCCP CBET Development 1 certification.  Associations may have further requirements and in greater numbers than the MHL.  For more information, please refer to the MHL Coach Guide or the “Team Official” section on the website.

I am looking to become a Trainer in the MHL, what additional certification do I need (other than a Criminal Reference Check, “Speak Out” clinic, and becoming a Registered Team Official)?

If you are a Trainer for an MHL team at the ‘A’, Gold, or Red level, you must have HTCP or Hockey Canada Safety Program certification.  Associations may have further requirement and in great numbers than the MHL.  For HTCP Clinic information, go to the Hockey Development Council for Ontario ( for more information.

Can the MHL send me a copy of the Police Check form via email or fax?

No.  Unfortunately, the MHL cannot send out Police Check forms via email or fax.

When do I need to apply for Insurance?

All registered players, volunteers, and teams are insured under the Hockey Canada insurance program for sanctioned activities including games, practices, and approved special events requiring applicaitons (such as tournaments and exhibition games).  Any teams interested in dry-land training must complete the Insurance Certificate Request (found on the MHL website) for approval and coverage.  Dry-land training through City of Mississauga and “MHL Approved” programs meet the requirements as set in the ICR and require no application by MHL teams.  Team and players simply need to sign up for these programs and will automatically be covered by Hockey Canada insurance.  For a complete listing of these programs, please visit the MHL website at

A player on my team was suspended during a game, where do I go from here?

If one of your players or a member of the coaching staff are suspended during a game, find out the ramifications of the suspension.  All suspensions are listed in the MHL Yearbook under the OHF Minimum Suspension section.  Playing as an ineligible player or coach, for instance, will result in increased suspensions, games won will be turned to losses and further suspensions to coaches could be assessed.  It is the responsibility of the team to acquire the game sheet at the end of the game and review it thoroughly.  If you have questions regarding suspensions, interpretation of suspensions or are unsure of the total games to be served, please contact your Association Discipline Chair for further review and clarification.  Please do not contact the MHL office prior to contacting your Association Discipline Chair.

I am interested in applying for an Exhibition Game, what is the process and cost?

Each coach wishing to hold an Exhibition game must apply for sanctioning from the MHL through the on-line application (  Teams are required to give at least 72 hours notice to request Game Officials.  Please contact the Manager, Game Officials at the MHL office 24 hours prior to your Exhibition game to confirm the game officials attendances.  The charge for game officials can be obtained from the Manager, Game Officials.  The sanction fee for Exhibition games inside Mississauga is $0.00 and $5.00 to participate in a game outside of Mississauga.

We are waiting for approval from a tournament before filling out a tournament permission form (which may require an exemption). Is this appropriate?

No.  If you team intends on attending a tournament and are only waiting for approval from the tournament, you should submit your tournament permission form following within MHL policy.  If the form arrives after the time-frame allowed as you were waiting for the tournament, you will not be approved for an exemption for your MHL league games.

When will the MHL Playoffs start and end?

Playoffs generally start early to mid-February and depending on how far you go, can go up to early/mid April prior to the OHF Championships.

Is a parent (who is a non-registered team official) permitted to help out at practices or on the bench during a game?

No.  There has been no insurance premium paid on behalf of the parent.  Hockey Canada, at its discretion, may cover an “emergency volunteer” provided it was well documented, however, Hockey Canada does not extend coverage to anyone who volunteers in a non-emergency situation  in addition, Hockey Canada does not cover parent-child games, student-teacher games or other exhibition games against non-members of Hockey Canada.

I am a registered team official with a team in the MHL, how do I go about obtaining my MHL Pass?

Once all necessary steps and certification is completed, your Area Association and the MHL will need to review and approve the team official Registration Certificates.  It does take time for review and approval, so your patience during this time is greatly appreciated.  Any person not having an MHL Pass when seeking admission to a game MUST pay the regular admission fee.  An MHL Pass will be the only documentation that will be accepted by a Referee as being a valid entitlement (ie. proof of registration and insurance) for any Team Official to be on the bench during a game.  Don’t forget your pass.  Without it, referees may have no choice but to remove you from the bench).  Special passes are sometime issued with expiration dates.  Expired passes are not valid and will not be accepted by Ticket personnel.

We are looking booking some extra practice ice for our MHL team. Is there a way we can check for ice availability with the City of Mississauga?

Yes, The City of Mississauga has developed a website to help users find available ice and times at specific facilities (including other non-hockey activities).  Please Click Here to direct you to the link to find available ice times for your extra hockey activities.

With growing concerns about H1N1, are there any steps we can take as a team to help with prevention?

Yes, Hockey Canada issued an Information Bulletin in regards to the H1N1 virus and recommendations to all teams for the 2009-10 season.  Please Click Here for the Hockey Canada Information Bulletin.
