Tournament Permits


In the MHL, any team wishing to enter a Tournament must first apply to the MHL Office for a Tournament Permission Form (for which there is no charge).   Please note that every team must have a permit for every tournament, regardless of whether or not a schedule exemption is being requested.  If you are requesting a scheduling exemption, please ensure you apply following the deadlines noted herein AND mark the application form accordingly.

“A” & Gold Teams:  Schedule exemption requests must submit by September 15th of the upcoming playing season.  Please note that weekend exemptions cover the period Thursday through Sunday or Friday through Monday.  Exemptions for Thursday through Monday will require two exemption requests unless your team is travelling 500km (one way) or more.

House League: During the convening period, Permit requests must be in 5 weeks (35 days) in advance of first date of start of tournament.  After convening, Permit requests must be at least 6 weeks (42 days) in advance of the start date of the tournament.  House League teams are permitted 2 scheduling exemption permits during the Regular season.  While teams may go on tournaments during Playoffs, no schedule exemption will be allowed and teams must honour their MHL schedule prior to any tournament schedule. (See also Important Dates regarding the convening period and the MHL Playoff schedule.)

All teams:

Permission may be granted to enter additional Tournaments only on the strict understanding that no scheduling changes would be required.  THIS RULE WILL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE MHL WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

Each Team granted permission to enter a Tournament must submit copies of the Official Game Sheets from the Tournament to the MHL Office within forty-eight (48) hours of the Team’s return so that any player and/or Team Official infractions may be properly dealt with by the MHL disciplinary procedures.  Failure to comply will result in the Team being denied future Tournament permissions and may result in the suspension of the Team staff.

Any Team wishing to make an overseas trip must make application to the GTHL Office no later than 90 days prior to the Team’s scheduled departure date.  All such applications must comply with GTHL Rules 11.5 and 11.6 and Hockey Canada overseas trip rules shall apply unless otherwise stated.

To apply online for a Tournament Permit, please click here.

