Suspension Information – 2016-2017

Late during the summer of 2016, the OHF drastically changed their Minimum Suspensions and the Codes that went with them.  There are now a lot more codes, and codes that we’d grown accumstomed to have changed.  In order to maintain comparability of the suspension-related statistics that we’ve accumulated during our Discipline Emphasis years, we elected to stick with the 2015-16 suspension codes, and published them on the back of our Game Sheets and in our 2016-17 Yearbook.  Unfortunately, this means that teams that play in Tournament games outside of the MHL could see suspension codes that don’t jive with our Yearbook.

To help alleviate the potential confusion, feel free to download the following documents.  Please note that all MHL games (regular season and playoff) will be administered using the MHL Suspension Codes.  Exhibition games will be coded at the discretion of the Referees involved in the games.  Tournaments will be coded based upon the jursidiction of the team or Association hosting the tournament.  GTA “A” Championship games and OHF Championship games will be coded based upon GTHL/OHF codes.

MHL Minimum Suspension List for 2016-17

GTHL/OHF Minimum Suspension List for 2016-17

MHL to GTHL Cross-Reference for 2016-17

As a final note, if in doubt as to the status of a suspension, please don’t hesitate to contact either your Area Discipline Director or the MHL Office at 905-607-1118.