Mississauga SteelheadsWith the 2018-19 hockey season just around the corner, the Mississauga Steelheads are excited to offer a number of great Minor Hockey Programs for any and all age groups. You can add to the excitement with a unique group experience whether you’re looking to do some FUNdraising, get some extra ice time, or planning a group outing to have some fun as a team. Steelheads group opportunities include:

Timbits Mini Game

Canadian Flag Program

Fan Tunnel


Pre/Post Game Skate

Luxury Suites

The openings are filling quickly, so don’t hesitate to book your date today! For more information on the programs and how to book your spot, visit mississaugasteelheads.com or contact Brandon Reischl at breischl@mississaugasteelheads.com or 905-502-7788 ext. 238.