The MHL held its first of two equipment exchanges on Saturday, Augusht 29th at Tomken Arena. Hundreds of parents and players streamed through exchanging and purchasing equipment. A huge thank you to the many people who showed up to donate unused equipment so others might make use of it! The exchange allowed individuals to swap outgrown equipment for pads, skates and helmets that fit properly from the selection of new and used (sanitized) on display. We received many compliments on the low cost -any pair of skates for $20, helmets, pads and pants for $10. You could outfit a player for $75 starting with nothing or refit a player at no cost utilizing the exchange process! Thank you to the MHL staff and volunteers who ran the event. All proceeds from the exchange will be reinvested into MHL hockey programming.
The next event is at Tomken Arena on Saturday, Sept 12 , from 12 noon to 4 PM. So if you weren’t able to attend the first one, don’t miss out on the 12th!